Cherry White Chocolate Brownie Sundaes

Servings: 24

1 gal. Vanilla Ice Cream, softened

6 ½ c. Globe® Cherry Filling (4111478286), divided

1 c. Coconut, toasted (optional)

1 tsp. Ginger, ground (optional)

2 c. White Chocolate Chips or finely chopped White Chocolate

24 Brownies, prepared, cut into 3" x 3" squares

Whipped Cream



  1. In medium bowl, blend softened ice cream with 4 c. cherry filling, white chocolate, toasted coconut and ginger. Cover with plastic wrap and freeze 4 hours or until firm. Refrigerate remaining cherry filling.
  2. Top each brownie square with a scoop of cherry white chocolate ice cream. Garnish with remaining cherry filling (approx. 1 oz. per sundae) and whipped cream.